Accessible, sustainable, and ethical mental health + consultation services for you and your community.


I provide services to individual clients and organizations.

In-person, virtual and hybrid options are available.

Iā€™m often hired by organizations who already have relationships with the community (such as health centres, non-profits, among others) and offer services through them on a contractual basis (for more information see the FAQ page). When working under contract, in order to nurture relationship building and develop a better understanding of your community and lands, I strongly prefer an in-person or hybrid format. At the same time, I understand this may not always be possible and I can be flexible to meet your needs.

If you have questions feel free to send me an email. I also offer a free 20-minute consultation call for any of my services.


The inaccessibility of timely psychological assessments often causes a bottle-neck when seeking services. Assessments can be used to guide treatment, allow access to funding, allocate resources, and provide psychiatric diagnoses.  I also provide forensic risk assessments.

1 hour | starting at $235  

Consultation + Program Development

Guidance and support tailored to help you build capacity, address challenges, and foster sustainable growth. I can help you identify areas and pathways for improvement, and/or assist you in creating and structuring new programs.

1 hour | starting at $235

Clinical Consultation + Supervision

In areas with limited mental health resources we often end up stretching ourselves thin to meet the needs of our community. I support this work with treatment planning, psychological knowledge and diagnoses, case conceptualization, and debriefing.

1 hour | starting at $235  

Psychotherapy + Crisis Response

In order to meet specialized and immediate mental health needs, I typically offer single-session or short-term (4-12 session) therapy. I also provide crisis response, sexual assault and suicide counselling. Long-term therapy is offered on a limited basis.

1 hour | starting at $235

Training + Workshops

I offer training and workshops on a number of topics and skills that can be fine-tuned to your specific needs, context or questions. This can be combined with Clinical Consultation to receive relevant case specific guidance.

1 hour |  starting at $235  


Research is a powerful tool for developing knowledge about a given topic or issue, and the ways in which we conduct research should always be guided the needs and values of the communities it affects.

1 hour |  starting at $235  

Get started with Turning Tides, today.

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